Home Lifestyle 15 Rituals to fan the flame of love in your relationship

15 Rituals to fan the flame of love in your relationship

If you want to give your relationship a little push and fan the flame of love, you can make use of the energy that the universe has for you and therefore, what you want to restore can be achieved with intention, concentration and energy of your desires through these rituals that I share with you. Yes indeed

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As time goes by, it is natural that in couple relationships, the passion and dedication that they had at the beginning of their love story decreases. The magic produced by falling in love is what gives it a special charm, especially at the beginning. However, when the monotony arrives and the routine consumes them, the illusion and enthusiasm of love in a relationship during those first days begin to fade. The worst thing is that if they neglect what they have built in a relationship could be at risk. 

As time goes by, it is natural that in couple relationships, the passion and dedication that they had at the beginning of their love story decreases. The magic produced by falling in love is what gives it a special charm, especially at the beginning. However, when the monotony arrives and the routine consumes them, the illusion and enthusiasm of love in a relationship during those first days begin to fade. The worst thing is that if they neglect what they have built in a relationship could be at risk. 

Esotericists and specialists in energy rituals say that every relationship is strengthened if you visualize every day what you want to recover and that both of you need to fall in love again. The strength is much greater if you decide to do these exercises together, that will give power to what you want to revive together.

Love requires powerful affirmations that accompany each ritual, so it is important that each of you who make up the couple make a list of affirmations that help you feel in tune and that you can pronounce daily, in addition to the rituals that you want to practice. So take note.

1. Ritual with red rose petals that symbolize the passion and vitality of love.

In a clay pot and with boiling water inside, place branches of lemon, basil, mint leaves and mint. She removes this mixture from the fire and puts red petals of three roses on it. As you place them in the pot, imagine and feel the love they experienced in the best stage of the relationship. Then use some of that water to bathe. 

2. Ritual with apples to reaffirm your love in a relationship.

Cut an apple into pieces and boil it with a little water and rose petals to revive tenderness and protection in your love. You should also put cinnamon and honey. At shower time, light a red candle next to you and rub your body with the mixture you prepared and visualize the eternal love between the two of you, you can see a photo at the same time that reminds you of the love they have professed and at the same time see the light of the candle asking for your love to be rekindled.

3. Ritual with photographs to capture the essence of your love.

Choose two separate photos of yourself and your partner. Spread a little honey and cinnamon powder on each one. Later, place the images in a small glass bowl and hide the container in a place where no one can see it. Write a special request of what you want to be awakened or turned on in your relationship and put it inside the container as well. In a few days, you will notice a change in energy, they will vibrate with greater union and passion.

4. Ritual of the promise of eternal union with a red thread.

The intention of this ritual is that love prevails forever, and both must do it as a promise of the union. Write your full name, each one with your own handwriting in a red envelope, rub a little rosemary with a coin and your partner will repeat your full name, and you will repeat theirs also in full 4 times, in each repetition they must face north, south, east and west. Then place the coin inside the envelope and tie it with the red thread. Place a lit red candle on top until it burns out.

5. Activate the purposes of the union that rekindle the fire of love they have.

On a white sheet, each one must write what they admire about the other, then they must fill each sheet with honey and leave them serene in the crescent moon. The next day, light a red candle that symbolizes the strength of your love for each other. Look at the flame and read to each other what you wrote about each other. Later burn the leaves and place the ashes in a small pot where they plant the flower that they both like.

6. Pink candle ritual to strengthen unconditional love in a relationship.

If you feel that the relationship is tense, that they are losing mutual details and that they are even only attentive to mistakes or to that not-so-good side that both of them have, it is important that you use pink fire. For this, you must have at hand a love letter that he has written to you in his own handwriting. You should sprinkle the cinnamon powder around the letter. Light the pink candle and read the letter out loud. At the end of the reading, you should repeat three times: ‘the energy of unconditional love helps us grow together and love each other every day. Place the card under the candle until it burns out.

7. Ritual of love with red roses during the crescent moon.

Energy experts recommend that you do it on Friday because you will have the energy of love in your favour. You must light a pink candle and cut the stem, just like removing the thorns from two red roses. On a piece of white paper, write your partner’s full name 3 times and yours three times as well. Then, wrap the roses with the paper and tie them with a pink ribbon while repeating: Our love, peace and union is untouchable. Let the candle burn out.

8. Ritual for love to last using a cigar or pipe.

Write your partner’s full name in red ink on one cigarette, and your partner must write yours on another cigarette. Make sure it is on the side where it is consumed. Put a little sugar on the end of the cigarette and light it at the same time. Allow it to be consumed. You don’t need to smoke it directly if you don’t want to. As it is consumed, observe it and mentally repeat the phrase: Our love and passion grow as this cigarette is consumed.

9. Ritual with the basil to harmonize the energy of the relationship.

Its leaves have the shape of a heart, and that is why important powers for union and love are attributed to it. In addition, it increases sexual energy. In this case, all you have to do is put a couple of basil leaves on one of your garments and one of your partner’s. You can also do it with photographs, it is your choice. Let clothes or photos soak up the energy of basil overnight, and then place a branch under each person’s pillow throughout the week.

10. Attract sincere love and dedication from your partner with a violet plant.

According to esotericists, the violet plant is the best for attracting and awakening sincere and true love. To use its energy, you must place a plant in your bedroom always facing south, it is significant that you give it the necessary care and that every morning you observe and visualize how its energy of love nourishes your relationship and also maintains mutual delivery.

11. Ritual with Jasmine flowers so that their energy fills your relationship with loyalty and fidelity.

Esoteric recommend that you practice this ritual on a full moon and in a completely dark place so that the light of two red candles that you must light predominate. Using a red thread, tie a face-on photo of yourself to the face of a photo of your partner and tie the thread three knots. Then repeat with faith: ‘We were, we are, and we will be happy forever.’ Wrap the photos in a red cloth and bury them in a pot that is outside the house. Let the candles burn down.

12. Ritual with fern to restore harmony in your relationship.

If there is something that extinguishes the flame of passion, it is conflict. Use this ritual to abstain from bad vibes that surround your relationship. On a Friday night with a growing moon, light three green candles next to the fern plant. It is important that you make a mental request by observing the flame of the candles. Ask the fern to bring into your relationship the harmony, respect and happiness that they have lost, transforming any painful event into love.

13. Purification ritual in the room they share to rekindle the love in a relationship.

Many times, bad energy and even negative vibes from others can penetrate the walls of your home and the stability of your relationship. That is why it is extremely essential to do an energy cleansing ritual in the room you share. So in a container that you don’t use for cooking, place bay leaves and light them with fire, then pass the smoke they give off throughout your room and spend more time in the bed you share together.

14. Use the power of aphrodisiac infusions to awaken the love and passion that has gone out.

If you make a love ritual in the room for both of you to try this infusion, you should use citrus aromas, so you can take advantage of the day of love to prepare a small Spa afternoon and use the energy that nature provides you. Boil orange and lemon peels, then mix the liquid with a little honey. Afterwards, drink the infusion together and with a diffuser fill the room with a citrus aroma to prepare the environment with a loving ritual full of passion.

15. Nine-day spell with nine red candles.

It is important that you start doing it preferably the first nine days of the month starting on Monday. Write your partner’s full name on a candle and cover it with sweet almond oil. Turn it on at night and visualize how the passion between the two is awakened. You must do this with all nine candles for the next nine days.

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