Earlier this week, Bollywood fans reported many fresh details about the duo’s long-awaited wedding, as news of kid lovers Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal tying a knot seems to have taken over the internet earlier this week. received. Just a few days ago, at an intimate ceremony on January 24, 2021, I learned that the couple said, “I will.” The ceremony will be attended by 50 close friends and family. Now, the new report has also confirmed a place for their marriage. The wedding is reportedly held at Alibag’s quaint resort, Mansion House. Just a 3-minute walk from Sasa Wayne Beach, this hotel spotlights a vast palm-lined lawn, pristine interiors, and a laid-back atmosphere perfect for a small wedding.
Catch a glimpse of Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal’s wedding destination, a quiet resort in Alibaug that’s ideal for a laid-back, intimate ceremony
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