Reno 5 Pro 5G, was announced earlier this week in India and is now available for purchase domestically through Flipkart and offline retailers. Priced at 35,990 Indian Rupees ($ 495/405 euros) in a single 8GB / 128GB variant. It comes in two colour options, Starry Black and Astral Blue.
The back of Reno 5 Pro 5G houses a quad-camera setup that combines 64MP primary, 8MP ultra-wide, 2MP macro, and 2MP depth units. Fueling the entire package is a 4,350 mAh battery with a 65 W charge. The battery went from flat to 100% in less than 30 minutes in testing.
Oppo has also launched the Enco XTWS earphones in India. These prices are INR 9,990 ($ 135 / € 110) and are available in black and white.
The Enco X comes with hybrid active noise cancelling. Each of its buds has an 11mm dynamic driver, created in collaboration with Dynaudio. The TWS earphones are also IP54 compliant, have touch control and support wireless charging.
Each bud is equipped with a 44 mAh battery, which is said to last 5.5 hours on a single charge, and the 535 mAh cell in the charging case can play for an additional 19.5 hours.
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