Many busy people think sleep is a waste of time, but regular sleep is actually productive. While working night shifts can increase income, it leads to fatigue, making recovery and sustained productivity challenging.
Offer digital products like artwork or e-books to your audience. Use the payment blocking option for digital sales, available to paid plan customers. For selling physical products, consider an e-commerce plan for a fully functional online store.
Freelancing offers diverse opportunities, from graphic design and web development to social media management and bookkeeping. Blogging and online businesses are popular side hustles. With over 10 years of blogging experience, these options are highly recommended for making money.
Transform enthusiastic fans into paid subscribers by offering exclusive content. Utilize premium content blocks to manage paid access, requiring subscribers to log in for viewing and downloading. Ensure the content and service provided are compelling to retain subscribers.
It is becoming more common for fans to make monetary donations to their favourite writers, musicians, podcasters and other creators. This can be done using the recurring payments feature available in the Payments block. Set a standard donation amount or choose a setting that allows the user to pay the amount they want.
Partner with brands to promote their products and earn commissions on sales, leads, or clicks. This performance-based marketing boosts conversions and accelerates sales goals. Influencers are sought by brands, making affiliate marketing an effective monetization strategy.
Monetize your website through digital products, freelance services, premium content, and affiliate marketing. Offer exclusive digital items, provide diverse freelance services, create a content library for paid subscribers, and earn commissions by promoting brands.