How to Get Productive Sleep




Many busy people think sleep is a waste of time, but regular sleep is actually productive. While working night shifts can increase income, it leads to fatigue, making recovery and sustained productivity challenging.

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Science behind Sleeping

During sleep, our brains transition through 90-minute cycles of light, deep, and REM sleep. These phases restore energy, consolidate memories, and enhance cognitive function, aiding in productivity.


The function of the Deep Phase.

During the deep sleep phase, the brain transfers data from the hippocampus, a temporary storage area, to permanent memory. Missing deep sleep can result in losing important information, as the brain may not properly store the day's experiences.


The Function of Light Sleep

During light sleep, the brain cleans out unnecessary information from the hippocampus, preparing it for new data. Waking up too early can hinder this cleaning process, affecting the ability to learn and focus the next day.


The REM Sleep Phase

In REM sleep, the brain connects new data with existing information, establishing bi-directional links. This phase fosters problem-solving and creativity, often leading to new ideas and breakthroughs, as seen with many mathematicians and scientists who wake up with innovative solutions.

Deep sleep organizes data, light sleep clears out unnecessary information, and REM sleep connects new and old data. Skipping these phases due to insufficient sleep can impair memory and focus, highlighting the need for 7 to 9 hours of sleep.
