How to Diagnose and Fix Any Windows Problem




Diagnosing Windows issues can be challenging, especially post-update, often causing malfunctions or hardware failures. Bugs are frequent as companies prioritize new products. Random shutdowns and prolonged troubleshooting persist, leaving users clueless. Here are tips to help you troubleshoot like a pro


Initial Investigation of Your Windows

The first rule of thumb is always to check your computer from the basics before doing any kind of trouble of shooting. Check the power supplies, wall power plug, and all the necessary cables are connected properly.  Make sure the power supply is getting enough energy to handle workloads.


Check background Processes and CPU temperature

Open up any system monitoring tool like HWINFO or any other third-party software. You can also use a task manager to monitor all the background processes and CPU temperature. Through task manager, you can check any task running wild or taking up your excess memory that causes your CPU to overheat


Diagnose Windows with Event Viewer

Event viewer is basically a journal bookkeeping of the windows. It recorded basically all the data and records of tasks of your windows from updates to any malfunction. If you want to observe what happens with your windows when the last time it turns off.

Diagnosing Windows issues, especially after updates, remains challenging due to common bugs and prolonged troubleshooting processes. Users often face random shutdowns and unknown errors. Follow basic checks and use tools like Event Viewer 
