It will be a live chat one to one session over Whatsapp or any other equivalent instant messaging platform to your comfort. We will cover and help you with the following topics/queries.
- Website launching and prelaunch documentation
- What web building technology you should use to match your niche and why?
- How to do digital marketing for your brand per the niche?
- Who to hire for your IT needs and why?
- If your business is suitable for hiring a corporate house or you can manage these tasks easily with freelancers.
- Tips on hiring the right freelancer and which portal is suitable for hiring the candidate.
- Best practices for creating contents to engage users
- What is trending for your niche and how to find the trends?
Note: Please prepare yourself with questions beforehand to maximum utilize the time.
We needed direction and a clear marketing strategy that we could action on. They delivered. A thoroughly professional experience from beginning to end, and yes, we would highly recommend their services. Even though we are on a tight marketing budget we knew that we needed the premium service to take full advantage of their expertise. This is an investment in you and your business and we are super excited to get going on the structured plan that they proposed. They would bring the important things into focus with experience and enthusiasm. You still have to do the work but now you are armed with the road map to achieve something.