Fiverr best practices in holidays and how to manage availability hacks

What could be the Fiverr best practices in holidays and how you can manage your availability during the rush hour with your client schedules?  These are some of the concerns that bother a freelance Fiverr seller before they plan for a holiday.

The holiday season has arrived, and this implies that a considerable lot of you will take some (merited!) downtime to partake in the celebrations. While magnificent, the season prompts later reactions, request conveyances, and request retractions all of which can adversely influence your vendor levels. All the more critically, this prompts negative purchaser encounters.

As a Fiverr merchant, you ought to constantly expect to keep your purchasers cheerful and fulfilled. Luckily, you have various elements readily available to accomplish this while you partake in your excursion. Utilize Fiverr’s committed elements to straightforwardly address not being promptly accessible, keep your vendor details at an untouched high, and in particular, keep your purchasers blissful.

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Life hacks for a Fiverr seller during the holidays 

During get-away, and downtime, as a rule, dealing with your purchaser’s expectations is inconceivably significant. Not in the least do missed orders and late conveyance adversely influence your merchant details yet it makes a terrible purchasing experience for your purchaser. To keep away from this, make sure you follow the instructions from this document.

1. Download the Fiverr mobile app for iOS and Android

Be available to receive any new order notifications. Being responsive to your customers not only creates a positive experience for your customers but also helps build you a strong and positive reputation with Fiverr. By responding promptly, you increase your opportunity to receive future business — Use Fiverr’s mobile app to respond to your messages anytime and from anywhere!

2. The Fiverr seller can set the profile as unavailable:

The Set Availability feature lets customers know when they are unavailable. Prior to your leave, set the time, add a quick note, and activate the feature. You will automatically become available for orders at the end of your set period. Use the automated notification to let your buyers know over which dates you’ll be on vacation, and when you plan to return.

3. Set yourself as online/offline:

To use Fiverr and remain “offline,” turn your online status off. This way, new buyers won’t approach you while you are on vacation, and you can turn “online” back on when it suits you best.

You can also go online/offline by:

  • Log in > Click your profile picture > Settings > Account
  • Enter your full name and email address
  • Under Online Status, select how long you want to go offline. Example: 1 Hour, 1 Day, or 1 Week)
    Your status is listed as online by default—showing your Gigs as visible (if a buyer applies the “online” search filter).

4. Complete orders before vacation:

It is highly recommended to complete all your orders before going on vacation. Complete your orders, switch over offline and live your best holiday life.

5. Set order timeline expectations

If you have already planned a day or two off for vacation, and it falls during a buyer’s requested timeline, let them know of your scheduled vacation before taking the order. Let the buyer decide if they can afford to wait for your return.

6. Take a proactive approach with late deliveries

If you know that you will not make a delivery deadline, be sure to communicate this with your buyer well ahead of the delivery time. Use Fiverr’s Resolution Center to request an extension or any dispute you may have with the order.


It is highly recommended for the sellers to be honest and transparent. Make sure you deliver your assignments on time and if anything is causing a delay, inform the buyer proactively about the situation. Make sure you chat with your buyers at the best possible frequency and try to capture as many details as possible, this will help you keep yourself on the same page with the buyer. Fiverr’s algorithm is designed to monitor your performance from many dimensions and it is not limited to the quality of the delivery you did, but your communications and rapport with the client are also considered to be vital.

Reference: Fiverr »

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