12 ways to come up with an idea for your business

  • Write down the skills that you possess.
  • Dream about who you would like to see yourself in 10 years.
  • Think back to who you wanted to be as a child.
  • Look around: what your relatives, acquaintances and friends are doing.
  • Try yourself in an activity that you would never dare to do.
  • Write how much money you want to receive per month. Break down the amount by day and see in which activities you can get that amount per day.
  • What would you be doing now if you had $1 million in your account?
  • What kind of activity do people who live the way you want to live.
  • Often a hobby becomes a profitable business.
  • What craft would you teach your child?
  • For what business would you wake up with joy every day.
  • Action is the clue.

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