11 Great Ways to Fertilize Home Plants

Natural houseplant fertilizers help to keep your indoor plants healthy and thriving. There are many different items that you can use as a natural plant fertilizer and you probably have a few of these in your home already. Try these innovative ideas to take good care of your home plants and fertilize them effectively.

1. Top dressing with sugar

1 teaspoon of sugar is evenly poured onto the surface of the earth before watering. Or dilute 2 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water. This feeding is carried out once a week.

2. Feeding with eggshells

Eggshells are rich in calcium, and calcium neutralizes acidity.

Therefore, when applying mineral fertilizers, which increase the acidity of the soil, shells are added to neutralize. The shell of raw eggs is well washed, dried, and crushed, then added to the soil. Eggshell is a product that decomposes slowly, so you need to add it very sparingly. And grind as little as possible. Suitable for fertilizing adult cacti also.

3. Another way that is suitable for fertilizing seedlings.

Pre-washed and dried shells are poured with 3 liters of hot water, infused for 5 days, then the seedlings are watered.

4. Top dressing with banana skins

Banana skins are finely chopped and dried. When transplanting plants, they are poured into a layer or simply embedded in the soil.

5. You can use another way. Dried banana skins are ground in a coffee grinder

It turns out a dark brown powder, which can be poured into a pot with a plant before watering, or diluted with water and used as a liquid top dressing. Such a banana top dressing is suitable for flowering plants, roses respond well, and delight in abundant flowering. Flowering provokes potassium, which bananas are rich in.

6. Top dressing with ash

30 g of ash are taken for 1 liter of water and insisted for a week, stirring from time to time. Then used to water the plants. Wood ash contains potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Phosphorus provides energy processes in plant cells and is one of the most important elements needed by plants.

7. Tea and coffee as an effective plant fertilizer

Drinking tea and coffee dry well. Add mulch and fertilizer for indoor plants. For feeding seedlings, an infusion is made from sleeping tea. 1 cup of tea is poured with 3 liters of hot water and infused for 5 days, stirring. Strain and use as a top dressing.

Tea and coffee neutralize the alkaline environment, so it is advisable to use them for plants that love acidic soil. When transplanting or transshipping a plant, the remains of tea are laid on the drainage layer, then the soil, and then the plant is planted. Additives in the form of tea and coffee make the earth light. It is highly undesirable to apply such fertilizer if soil flies live in pots, this will only increase their reproduction.

8. Water from washing cereals

Many housewives use water from washing cereals (rice, buckwheat, etc.) as a fertilizer. This water contains silicon, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.

9. Fertilize your plant with onion peel

Onion peel has proven to be a very effective plant fertilizer. Moreover, an infusion of onion peel contains a substance that destroys the pathogenic microflora. The infusion is often used as a foliar top dressing, rich in microelements, and plants perceive it as a complete fertilizer. The infusion is prepared as follows: 10 g – 20 g of husks are poured into 5 liters of warm water, insisted for 4 days. Or in a quick way: pour a liter of water over the husk and boil for 1-2 minutes, leave for 2 hours, and can be sprayed from a spray bottle.

10. Spraying with the infusion of orange peels

This is more prevention against spider mites and scale insects. Citrus peels are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 4-5 hours, then filtered. Plants are sprayed with a spray bottle.

11. Aloe juice is a bio growth stimulant plant fertilizer

It is used to increase seed germination. When soaking the seeds in water, add a few drops of aloe juice, and incubate for 8-20 hours. When watering indoor plants, aloe juice is also added. Use the juice of plants that have reached 3 years of age, after keeping the leaf, for several days in the refrigerator.

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