How to write a “How To” post template on your blog



Introduction to "How To" Blog Posts

How To" blog posts guide readers step-by-step, offering solutions to specific problems. They help businesses build trust by providing valuable, selfless content, often boosting search engine ranking through Google's featured snippets.


Choosing the Right Topic

Select topics that address common questions or tasks, like "How to calculate the Net Promoter Score?" Ensure the title begins with "How to" and is under 60 characters for optimal SEO impact.


Structuring Your Post

Start with a brief introduction, define essential terms, and explain their importance. The bulk of your content should provide clear, concise, step-by-step instructions with headings and visual aids for easy comprehension.


For complex tasks, consider adding tips and reminders to help readers. However, if your instructions are straightforward, this section is optional and can be omitted.

Adding Extra Value

Wrap up with a strong conclusion and recommend additional resources. Include a call-to-action, such as a link to more content or a sales page, to guide readers further on their journey.
